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List and create runs

Creating a new run

A new run can be created from the main menu Runs / Add Run. To add a run, you must enter the information shown on the screen below.

Creating a run

Name - enter the name of the run as you state it in the competition proposals.

Date - enter the date when the run is running.

Judge - enter the name of the judge who judges the run.

Type - determines whether it is an open run (all performance categories), agility or jumping, or a run according to performance category A1, A2, A3, or J1, J2, J3.

Parkour - enter the parkour on which the run is run.

Standard time and Maximum time - enter the standard and maximum time in the format without a decimal point. If you want to enter a time of 41 seconds, enter 4100, if you want to enter a time of 43 seconds and 36 hundredths, enter 4336.

Length - enter the length of the parkour in meters.

Number of obstacles - enter the number of obstacles on the parkour.


Parkour parameters are usually not known when creating runs, as runs are created before the competition. In that case, leave the default parameters and add the real parameters before starting the run when they are known.

List of runs

The list of runs can be accessed from the main menu Runs / Runs.

Newly created runs do not yet contain starting lists. After adding the starting lists, they can be displayed under the selected run by clicking on the arrows down button. After clicking on the Detail button, the details of the selected run will be displayed.

List of runs

Agility Manager remembers the last "clicked" run in the list of runs. Every time you return to the list of runs, the starting lists of the last clicked run will be expanded.

Filtering runs

The list of runs can be filtered according to whether the run is still active or has already ended. After running, individual runs can be marked in detail as finished and then the list can be filtered to only active runs. This makes it possible to make the operator's work when recording results clearer so that completed runs are no longer displayed in the list.

Filtering runs